Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hiya Guys 
sorry i had some problems at home
and had to remove everyone and everything 
but im back .. and hope noone took it personally 
it was all my fault 
if i removed you on Animal jam please 
add me back 
* footclan * 

So back on track 
the new items for the last two day are 
tetherball found in jamaa den item market
or right at you den ! 

Next we have a new
clothing item found in 
epic wonders..
its alittle costly but

pretty epic :) 
Tuxedos !!


  1. deleted mi.....wouldnt answer mi emails either ='( i thought u totally blocked mi out =( i felt like i lost you =(

    from your confuzzeled sad friend =(,
    Wor...i think u can guess anyways.

    1. World I added you back , I didn't have a choice :( I had to do it

  2. Why arnt u answerin mi mail then??? ive sent like 4 and u havnt replied to 1.
    u usally go onur mail everyday =(
