Tuesday, April 9, 2013

WoOooOod Fence

Howdy dowdy wowdy mowdy jammers!  This is one of your authors, saramo1926:D  This is also my first post, so let's see how I do.. ;3 Oh and.. Happy TYOOSDAY! XD Sorry for being an awfulish author and not posting yet... but I am now! Mostly because I had the time and no one else had posted yet.. so yeah. Bahah. Okay. Soo here's whats new in Jamaa today..

Ookay, today's item is the returning Wood Fence. Member jammers can find this item in the Jam Mart Furniture store, selling for 150 gems. *pretty cheap*  This item goes good in the Barn den, which I think it was designed for.. IT'S DESTINY. Hah. Yeah. So what do you think of this item? :P 
Pretty barny. If I do say so myself.. xD

AJHQ is also sending out this strange notification.. 
What do you think it means? It says, and I quote, "WHERE IN JAMAA is the best place to hide from Phantoms? Meet your friends there!" What does it mean.. I thought we didn't hide from them. And what place is it? By the Mira  statue in Jamaa Township or in the Lost Temple of Zios? What do you think? I'm quite perplexed on this notification >_< Maybe its more clear to you..? 

2 More days left to buy koalas and before they leave. 

Be sure to get your fuzzy-bummed koala today! (if you haven't already) Here's my koala.. :3 
What do you wear on your koala? 
*if you have one* 
It seems that a lot of jammers put Jamaaliday Scarves on their koalas ^_^ 
These are what Jamaaliday Scarfs look like to those of you who didn't know. 
Its also fun to wear Wings on koalas.. :3 
Sorry I blocked it out.. Didn't want people asking if they were nonmember or whatever =-= Even ground is better... If ya know what I mean.. *wink wink* Bahah. 

So yeah. What do you like to throw on your koala? 
(as in clothing)  

Also, on an Animal Jam community on Google+, someone said there was a way to get better items from Sky High. Most of you have probably already heard of this technique, but I only heard of it a week ago or so. 

So the idea is to dodge as many gems as you can. 

Like on the clouds, the little gems float above the clouds where you have to jump, you need to dodge the gems while still staying on the clouds. Its a little tricky, especially with the thinner clouds, but its not too hard. Like this.. 
See, I'm jumping between or on the edges of the clouds, dodging the gems. The goal is to get the smallest amount of gems possible. 
I guess you get better/rarer items if you get less gems. I'm not sure if that still works this week, since its double gems, automatically giving you more gems, but we'll see. 
So yeah, just a game tip if you want better items from Sky High

Obey the spoon bearing monkey, or else O_O

How wus muh first post? 83


  1. Nice crazy posting Sara lol .. Hmm I really think the prizes on shy high are just random .. Trust me I play alot of shy high lol , and I believe the good items are gone , I friend won bat wings tho, but then the game glitched and she couldn't fake them : S

  2. Yeah it wasn't working so hot for me.. Guess it was more of a rumor >:U

    1. Same I got to the top , after the 100 bonus I only had 168 .. And got horn knees pads

    2. I love your post @Saramo! It's interesting and fancy!
      I do hope I got rare from Sky High... I think the best rare I've ever got was the Blue Lollipop Necklace from the Summer Carnival..
